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Online IIS Course: Securing IIS Websites

Securing IIS Websites

In this course, you'll learn how to lock down your IIS server. You'll discover various methods of attack, how they work and how to prevent them. You'll learn how to monitor your server to prevent future attacks.

In this course, Securing IIS Websites, you’ll gain the ability to secure your IIS Webservers and prevent attacks. First, you’ll explore how to reduce your attack surface to avoid attracting attackers to your site. Next, you’ll discover how to lock down IIS to prevent attacks from being successful. Finally, you’ll learn how to monitor your server to identify or prevent attacks from happening. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of IIS Security needed to keep your websites safe.

If you don’t have a Pluralsight account, you can still take this course! Use this link to get a free trial.

Sign up for a Free trial here

If you have a Pluralsight Account, you can start the course now!

Start Securing IIS Websites in IIS Now

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