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Records and Init-only Setters in C#

In the world of C# programming, classes have long been the go-to choice for encapsulating data and behavior. However, with the introduction of Records in C# 7.0, a new, lighter-weight construct was made available that can simplify certain scenarios while maintaining much of what makes classes useful.

Records are particularly useful when you need to represent a small set of immutable data. They provide a concise way to define a type that cannot be modified after it’s created, which is crucial for many use cases in software development.

One important feature of records is their integration with init-only setters. These are properties on classes that can only be set during object initialization and not subsequently changed. This characteristic aligns perfectly with the nature of records, where once an instance is constructed, its values cannot change.

How it Works


Records in C# are essentially a new type of class that’s designed specifically for value types. They provide a simple way to create immutable objects without having to implement the IEquatable<T> interface or override methods like Equals and GetHashCode.

Here’s a basic example:

public record Person(string Name, int Age);

In this example, we define a record named Person. This record has two properties: Name and Age, both of which are immutable.

Init-only Setters

Init-only setters are used in classes (not records) to ensure that certain properties can only be set when an instance is first created. Once the object is initialized, these properties cannot be modified. This feature is useful for enforcing business rules or data integrity constraints within your application.

Here’s how you might use init-only setters in a class:

public class Person
    public string Name { get; init(set) } = "";
    public int Age { get; init(set) } = 0;

    public void InitializePerson(string name, int age)
        Name = name;
        Age = age;

In this example, Name and Age are init-only properties. They can only be set through the InitializePerson method.

Why it Matters

The combination of records and init-only setters provides a robust way to ensure data integrity and consistency within your C# applications. By using these features together, you can create immutable objects that represent certain states or entities in your program without the risk of those values being inadvertently changed.

Step by step demonstration:

  1. Define a record: Start by defining a new record type for the immutable data you want to encapsulate.
  2. Use init-only setters if necessary: If you’re working with classes and need certain properties to be immutable, consider using init-only setters to enforce this immutability.
  3. Create instances of your records or classes: Once defined, create instances of these types as needed within your program.
  4. Ensure consistency through code reviews and testing: Regularly review and test your code to ensure that the integrity of your data is maintained.

Best Practices

  1. Choose wisely between classes and records: Select either a class or a record based on whether you need to encapsulate mutable behavior, in which case a class might be more suitable.
  2. Use init-only setters judiciously: Init-only setters are most useful when enforcing data integrity rules or business logic constraints within your application.

Common Challenges

  1. Misunderstanding the difference between classes and records: The primary challenge lies in realizing that records are designed for immutable value types, while classes are better suited for mutable objects.
  2. Incorrect use of init-only setters: Using init-only setters in scenarios where they’re not necessary can lead to unnecessary complexity.


Records and init-only setters offer powerful tools for maintaining the integrity of your application’s data. By understanding how these features work, their importance, and the best practices surrounding their usage, you’ll be well-equipped to create robust and reliable software solutions with C#.

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